
Posts Tagged ‘energy drink endorsement’

The Energy Drink of Choice

In Infidelity on December 13, 2009 at 13:58

Maybe I’m becoming a little soft on Tiger in this case.  Gatorade claims they had plans months ago to drop his product?  Yeah right!  I’m thinking that if this guy had the energy to have 11 women so far (we all seem to keep forgetting that he was obviously still taking care of home in addition to the 10 extras) then that to me my friends, is a marketing goldmine as far as an energy drink is concerned!

While I will agree that his behavior is deplorable, I will also have to agree with him when he says it’s a personal matter.  How many of you out there have skeletons in your closet & a bone or two have fallen out and did not lose your job?  Don’t act like you’re as pure as the driven snow because we all know we have some things we’d prefer others didn’t know about us.  While this whole saga plays out, we are morbidly cheering the smearing of his good boy image but realistically, should he lose business deals over poor personal judgement?  I don’t think so.  Your thoughts…